Honey-kefir diet
Honey-kefir diet - Honey speeds up metabolism, so that its regular use can rapidly lead to normal weight. A yogurt helps support the body.
First day: at breakfast, eat a tablespoon of honey with nuts, figs, raisins and lemon juice and tea drink down. Lunch cannot afford the usual unchanged. At lunch - orange or grapefruit, and for dinner is a cup of yogurt. Weight Loss Tips
Second day: Breakfast tea with honey, lunch - the usual and afternoon tea and dinner replace yogurt.
Third day: Breakfast tea with honey, and for lunch, afternoon tea and dinner - only kefir.
Fourth day: drink only tea with honey, 4 times a day.
Fifth day: drink only kefir, 4 times a day.
From the sixth day, all days of the diet is repeated in reverse order: the sixth day, the same as the fifth, the seventh - the fourth and so on until the final 10 days.
As it turned out, in the dreams of women in United States that only is not, but most of the fantasies occupy finances.
After a survey it is found that 26% of women dream of riches perhaps this is due to the more practical thinking or craving for a beautiful, but rather a comfortable life.
Not much less - 24.5% - are willing to organize their lives and get married. Marriage has always been the main topic of conversation and the first women's standing in life plans. Perhaps that is why marriage is so often takes thoughts.