Risk Factors
ED can also occur, for use and abuse of drugs such as marijuana, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, barbiturates, and antidepressants.Disorders associated http://reviewlization.com/category/muscle-builiding-guide/
DE presents several risk factors such as advanced age, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, neurological diseases, endocrine diseases, spinal cord injuries
Radical pelvic surgery, radiation therapy, alcoholism, smoking, marijuana and / or cocaine; use of, tranquilizers and psychotropic substances
Relationship problems with the partner, stress, anxiety and fear of failure, depression, obsessive-compulsive personality, sexual deviation
The objectives of the initial patient assessment are to determine the probable cause of ED and to identify associated organic or psychological factors that may influence the therapeutic approach.
A detailed medical interview is the most important factor in the evaluation of patients with this problem.
The history should identify the duration, progression and severity of ED as well as associated factors.
Once you have identified a problem in the sexual performance of the patient, the next step is to differentiate it from other sexual problems such as loss of libido and ejaculatory disorders.
Physical examination aims to assess the health of the patient, with particular attention to cardiovascular, neurological and genitourinary systems, due to their contribution in erection.