When You Lift The Load
When you lift the load, try not to bend at the waist. Back legs are much stronger and can withstand heavy loads although, it is better not to tempt fate and get gravity side.Stretch the spine - Every day, when there is a few spare minutes, perform a simple exercise that is very useful for the back. Stoop, his shoulders slumped, his chin resting on his chest, count to five. Then raise your head, look straight ahead and cave in at the waist. Again, count to five. Repeat several times. Grow Height Tips
Do not go every day in high heels - They create an additional strain on the back and even change gait. If you still cannot do without heels, wear a ballerina, they occupy is not much space, and you will have the opportunity at any time to wear them for a short time to give your feet a rest.
Take breaks at work - When sedentary work every half hour do a little break, and then follow one of the exercises. Stand with your back against the wall. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Try to touch the lower back wall, for this you need a little bend the knee or shoulder. So wait for 10 seconds, and then slowly straighten.
If you are too lazy to get up, then sitting on a stool or chair, stretch your arms above your head, then slowly lower them between your knees, reach for the floor and lift again. These exercises help to reduce tension in the back, and improve posture.